SEMA Fine Art Show

It's been pointed out to me that some members of the Automotive Fine Arts Society (AFAS) had art displayed at the SEMA Fine Art Show that somehow I missed. I don't know how, whether I walked by it and didn't even notice it (unlikely but possible) or if the display was located somewhere I didn't walk by (also possible). It is my misfortune and that of my readers.

The AFAS is a wonderful collection of automotive focused artists. If you love anything automotive you will find something that stirs your soul.

If I had the funds my space would be filled with images that make me dream, of cars of my youth and of my dreams. I have built cars but in my child-like mind I live through images, images that often are more real than reality. Show me an image and it may create a whole movie in my brain. I can feel the thrill of wrestling an early (pre-WWII) racer down a dirt track, or imagine myself in a '60s F1 car fighting the changing weather at Spa. When I see the image of a USRRC or Can-Am racer I feel the ground shake. This is what art can do.

So I apologize to everyone for missing the SEMA Fine Art Show. And I promise that should I be given credentials again next year I will be there.


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