The Academy of Art University Automobile Museum & Mecum Auctions

Last night the Western Automotive Journalists had a meeting at the Academy of Art University Automobile Museum ( The event was hosted by Mecum Auctions. Mecum will be auctioning some twenty vehicles from the Museum's collection at their Monterey auction ( Here's a few pictures I took at the museum.



A few words about Mecum Auctions. They've had a presence at Monterey for a while now and the auction has evolved. Their first couple of years they were primarily a "muscle car" auction. They now offer a wide selection (around 600 cars) of all genres. There literally is something for everyone.

Mecum is known as the day-time Monterey auction; they do not compete for time and buyers with the many night time auctions. This year the auction is starting an hour earlier than in the past - 9:00 am.

As a Mecum spokesperson said, Mecum is on of the best car shows. Even if you are not a buyer you can drool over the hundreds of cars. If you buy a ticket online prior to the auction the price is $20, the price goes up at the door.

Will I see you there?


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