Where's the car reviews?

You may have noticed that there have been few car reviews posted by me recently. It seems to be a time between seasons, or something like that. There is little reason to review 2018 models and there are few 2019s in the press fleets yet.

I've reached out to auto makers that I haven't had cars from in a long time and have heard back from three, Alfa, Audi and BMW. Alfa hasn't anything in their SF press fleet yet, Audi sounded promising but BMW shut me down. Hopefully the others will get back to me soon.

As soon as the '19s enter the press fleets I'll start reviewing again. My last '18 review should be in the Tracy Press (http://www.goldenstatenewspapers.com/tracy_press/) soon. I won't tell you what it is about except to say it's a twofer and my conclusion might surprise you.

I'll be away for a week or two, I'm going on vacation (yeah even retired guys go on vacation). I'll have my laptop with me but unless it's really important (like you want to give me a car for keeps) I probably won't get back to you asap.

Thanks to all the auto folks who continue to support me.


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