Trans Terras - A Land Rover Love-In

I received this email a few days ago. I'm not a Land Rover owner or aficionado but if you are, or you know someone who is, pass this along.

Dear Friends,

For the past six or seven months I’ve been working to organize an event for classic Land Rovers. It’s called Trans Terras, from the Latin “across lands.” It will be an informal organic event or what I’m calling a “Land Rover love in.”
It takes place the first Saturday of November north of Los Angeles. The venue is the cool Old West movie set of Paramount Ranch near Calabasas. Here’s the just launched website with more info and the Instagram page @transterras.

If you know people that are into old Rovers or old exotic overlanders, I’d be very grateful if you shared and passed the word along regardless of where in the world they may be. It’d be great to have people display their vehicle, or attend (it’s free and should be a good time), or just follow along.

Thanks for sharing!


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