June 1st 2017 Cool Harbor Nights Car Show
I haven't posted anything on Cool Harbor Nights recently. My bad. So head on down to Princeton-By-The-Sea for some Cars and Seafood this coming Thursday night, June 1st.
It's that time again!
Hard to believe a month has passed already. I hope all of you had an enjoyable Memorial Day weekend. Now, let's get ready for this Thursday. Before we discuss that further, let's take a minute to discuss last month's show.
As always, or almost always, the weather cooperated again last month. It was sunny and clear, just a bit cool, but still nice. The show was very well attended by participants, as well as spectators, and many stayed late.
Our lucky winners at last month's car show were:
Gift Certificate to Ketch Joanne's - Greg McGregor
Gift Certificate to Ketch Joanne's - Bill White
Coastside Children's Programs 50/50 Winner - Ed Howland
Driftwood Carvings Sculpture - Len Trimlett
Congratulations to all of our lucky winners!
Once again, Coastside Children's Programs will be our non-profit group. As always, this month's show begins at 3pm and continues until dusk. You are always welcome to stay as late as you'd like. We will meet in the parking lot in front of Princeton Seafood Company. Please come out and enjoy the show, as well as to support Princeton Seafood Company and Ketch Joanne's Restaurant & Harbor Bar, as much as possible. They are incurring significant expenses sponsoring the show and we need to do our best to help offset those costs. It is their generosity that allows us to provide this show to everyone at no cost.
Please like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ CoolHarborNights
I hope to see all of you this Thursday!
Frank Besnyi
So head up or down Hwy 1 to Princeton-By-The-Sea, Pillar Point Harbor, turn west at Capistrano Road (there's a light on Hwy 1), then make another left onto Pillar Point Harbor Blvd. You'll see the pier and restaurant area. Have fun, enjoy the cars and food.