Barrett-Jackson Beach Party

Tonight Nadine and I attended the Barrett-Jackson Beach Party at Mandalay Bay Beach, Las Vegas. I've never been to a Barrett-Jackson Auction so this was my introduction. Wow!

I'll make a rough guess and say there were about 1,000 people there - bidders, sellers, VIPs, and of course the media (me). There was food and drink, all complimentary, and two bands.

I've been to all the auctions in Monterey, from high brow to fast and furious carny. I've seen multi-millionaires who buy cars for investment purposes and guys who made their money the hard way and now want to buy something that reminds them of their youth. The crowd tonight seemed to be full of men around my age and their wives, say 50s through 60s. I didn't see too many men with eye candy on their arms.

Tomorrow I go to work, I'm on assignment. The day starts early - 9 am and may run later. I'll update when I can.
