Dream Rides 4 Kids Rally Launches Saturday December 17 in Los Angeles

“Classic and Exotic Car Collectors Will Give Challenged Youth a Holiday Ride of a Lifetime”

Los Angeles, CA (December 15, 2011) – The inaugural Dream Rides 4 Kids Rally will launch from Montebello Applied Tech in Los Angeles, California on Saturday December 17, 2011. ‘I’m excited that my dream of impacting kids through my passion for automobiles will finally become a reality,” said Karen Sundstrom, Founder of the 501c3 organization Dream Rides 4 Kids. Ten classic and exotic car owners will each spend the day with an at-risk teen. As “co-pilot”, the teens will navigate from a rally book, guiding the pair to several undisclosed car-themed stops along the way. Each Driver-Mentor will take the opportunity to share his or her personal story of achievement along the way.

“Dream Rides 4 Kids was established to make a positive difference in the lives of disadvantaged at-risk youth through my passion for cars; to be a source of encouragement and an inspiration that they can be anything they want, and to show them that they can change the direction of their lives and achieve their goals. At one time, I was that kid,” shares Sundstrom.  “These teens will be riding in some of the rarest and most elaborate cars to ever roll off the assembly line and the car owners are excited to share their personal stories of overcoming life’s obstacles to become successful through a positive attitude, hard work and no shortcuts”. In just one day, these young men and women will be impacted for a lifetime.

While a larger DR4K rally is scheduled for March 2012 that pairs 50 collectors with 50 students, the inaugural event will be much smaller and personal. “I’ve been working feverishly for close to one  year to get the foundation, fundraising and marketing set up to create a GRAND event. I am confident my vision for the future of DR4K will come to fruition but I wanted to make a difference NOW and focus on the true mission of DR4K, which is to inspire kids to dream BIG.” shared Sundstrom. “Our team of car owners and collectors will be giving these kids a holiday gift of hope and motivation which is far more valuable than any material object.”

DR4K has partnered with RightToSucceed.org, a not-for-profit 501(c)3 organization with a mission to empower communities to create amazing public schools that help every child to succeed!  The foundation believes every child has a right to succeed and have access to a great public school.Right To Succeed Video

About Dream Rides 4 Kids
Dream Rides 4 Kids (DR4K) is a Los Angeles based non-profit organization dedicated to instilling self-worth, passion, confidence and hope to at-risk youth using the motivational inspiration of classic and exotic cars and their owner-mentors. By connecting the concept of hard work, personal pride and the rewards that come from this, DR4K hopes to create a positive influence in their lives. More http://dreamrides4kids.org/


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