Pardon me whilst I blow my own horn.

I'm not one who normally blows my own horn, it just isn't my style. But someone has to do it, especially when something like this comes my way:




By the Honorable Mary Hayashi

18th Assembly District; Relative to commending

Bruce Hotchkiss

Whereas, Bruce Hotchkiss, Program Representative II for the Bureau of Automotive Repair, Department of Consumer Affairs, is retiring after nearly 20 years of dedicated service with the State of California, and in recognition thereof, he is deserving of the highest commendations and honors; and

Whereas, Bruce Hotchkiss has worked for the Bureau of Automotive Repair (BAR) since 1991 and is currently assigned to the Hayward Complaint Mediation Center; and

Whereas, Prior to this assignment the BAR enforcement division employed Bruce Hotchkiss where he worked with automotive repair dealers to ensure compliance with the Automotive Repair Act; and

Whereas, Prior to his employment at BAR, Bruce Hotchkiss worked for Honda Canada, Inc., in Service Engineering; Chrysler Canada/American Motors Canada, as an Owner Relations Specialist in the Central Regional Office; and, Peterson, Howell, and Heather, Canada, as a Fleet Maintenance Specialist; and

Whereas, in 1977, Bruce Hotchkiss earned a Certificate of Qualification as a Motor Vehicle Mechanic from the Province of Ontario’s Ministry of Colleges and Universities automotive apprenticeship program; this later split into two certificates, Automotive Service Technican and Truck and Coach Technician, which are kept current; and

Whereas, a member of the Western Automotive Journalists Bruce Hotchkiss writes a monthly automotive review column the Pacifica Tribune; and

Whereas, Bruce Hotchkiss also was a member of the Pacifica Planning Commission, from 1997 until March 2004; and

Whereas, Bruce Hotchkiss is President of the California Association of Regulatory Investigators and Inspectors (CARII), an affiliate of CAUSE, a union of state public safety employees; and

Whereas, Bruce Hotchkiss was appointed to the Inspection and Maintenance Review Committee in August 2001; and

Whereas, the high standard to which Bruce Hotchkiss adheres have earned him the respect and friendship of those individuals with whom he has been associated; now, therefore, be it

Resolved by Assembly Member Mary Hayashi, That Bruce Hotchkiss be commended on his long and distinguished record of professional service and on his outstanding display of civic leadership, and extended best wishes for a rewarding and gratifying retirement.

Members Resolution No. 47

Dated this 16th day of December, 2010.

(Signed Mary Hayashi)


N. Adams said…
Wow! Enjoy a well deserved retirement. (I have a feeling you won't stop being around cars, but at least every day is Saturday now.)